Welcome to our exclusive Q&A interview series. In the run-up to Natural Beauty & Health Show and the Nordic Organic Food Fair, which returns on 17-18 November 2021, we’ll be speaking to some of the biggest names in the natural health, beauty, sustainable living and the organic food and drink world. Find out more about our speakers and their sessions:

We spoke with Mats Nilsson, Managing Director, Svensk Egenvård

Mats Nilsson is the managing director of Svensk Egenvård. Previously Mats has held numerous political positions including being Member of Parliament.

What are a few main takeaways from your session at the show?

The pandemic had a huge impact on both the industry and the consumers. But now there is a new “normal” and we don´t really know what it looks like. 

What one person or business in the natural, organic/sustainable industry do you really admire and why?

I admire all the pioneers who made the industry what it is today. It hasn´t been easy to raise awareness of healthy foods and lifestyle. Its almost impossible to single out one specific person.  

What do you see as key trends for eco & organic products in the coming year?

Awareness of sustainability and more personalised nutrition. 

How important is Natural Beauty & Health Show /Nordic Organic Food Fair to you/the industry?

Its getting more and more importantIt’s vital to have a meeting point where the industry can gather, and where new products and trends are showcased. 

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

To follow my heart. Don´t let society or others determine what is the right thing to do or which path to choose. 

Who or what inspires you to be even better?

My daughter inspires me to be a better person. What I do as a father, as a human being and as a member of my generation affects her and her generation. 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself that most people don’t know.

I won a car on a lottery when I was 4 years old. 

See Mats speak at the show: 14:00-14:45, Wednesday 17 November, The Natural Theatre: Swedish self-care market: Effects of a pandemic and future consumer trends

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