The ‘Big Nordic Organic Debate’ Press Conference was a huge success! The discussion was full of inspiring insights and important advice about the growth of organic in the Nordic regions.
As well as the importance of certification, the discussion pointed out the vital aspects of communicating ‘why’ organic is so integral to the future of our planet. If we can remind consumers of this through authentic promotion from all areas of the supply chain, as well as alleviating high prices with offers and rewards during difficult times, then organic should be heading to a strong future.
“It is always both inspiring and rewarding to discuss the market development for organic food with our Nordic neighbours. Our markets look different in many ways, but we still have a lot to learn from each other. What strengthens me the most is hearing how we are all working hard to change the food system with organic as part of the solution.”- Charlotte Bladh André VD, Organic Sweden.
“We had very good discussions at the Nordic Organic Food Fair and the debate in particular. It is of great importance for Iceland to follow closely the development in the Nordic region where there are countries which have shown such good results in expanding organic farming with great planning and cooperation. The show is an opportunity for producers to be presented in the neighbor countries as a starting point for further development, see and be seen among other producers with a vision for a more sustainable future.” – Eyglo Bjork Olafsdottir (Chairman, Organic Iceland.
“Norway has a lot to learn from our Nordic neighbors on how to promote organic food and agriculture and work towards more affordable organic produce and more organic farmers. The Nordic Organic Food Fair is therefore an important place to be, and the discussion this year helped us talk together about common challenges and share positive measures that has worked in the previous year.” – Markus Lohne Hustad (CEO, Økologisk Norge.
“Like always, it was nice to participate in the Nordic Organic Food Fair and the Nordic organic debate. At the moment we have many challenges in the organic sector, but after the debate I felt optimistic. it is important to discuss and work together to tackle common challenges.” – Aura Lamminparras (CEO of Pro Luomu ry)
Thank you to Aura Lamminparras (CEO of Pro Luomu ry); Charlotte Bladh André (CEO, Organic Sweden); Helle Borup Friberg (CEO, Organic Denmark), Eyglo Bjork Olafsdottir (Chairman, Organic Iceland); Markus Lohne Hustad (CEO, Økologisk Norge) for sharing vital insights into their regions and for Joanna Wierzbicka (Strategic Initiatives Manager, IFOAM Organics Europe) for facilitating the conversation.
The next debate will take place in 2024 – on 9-10 October in Stockholm.