Welcome to our exclusive Q&A interview series. In the run-up to Natural Beauty & Health Show and the Nordic Organic Food Fair, which returns on 17-18 November 2021, we’ll be speaking to some of the biggest names in the natural health, beauty, sustainable living and the organic food and drink world. Find out more about our speakers and their sessions:

We spoke with Peter Jentschura, CEO, Jentschura International GmbH

Dr. h. c. Peter Jentschura is a herbalist and industrial entrepreneur born in Breslau in 1941. He founded Jentschura International GmbH in 1993. Peter lectures at international conferences, fairs and seminars, and has authored several bestsellers in health literature, including: Health by Purificiation, Living Without the Diseases of Modern Civilisation and The Plant – our Teacher.

What are a few main takeaways from your session at the show?

Organic is more than just ‘conventionally grown’. Organic can do more than: ‘I’m healthy with organic products’. 

Organic can make you healthy! 

Organic is also able to regenerate you if it is consumed in an alkaline-excessive and omnimolecular way! 

The organic movement should find its way back to the ancient, European health principle passed down by both Hippocrates and Paracelsus: ‘Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be food!’ 

What do you see as key trends for eco & organic products in the coming year?

The organic sector should follow the directions of Hippocrates and Paracelsus: ‘Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be food!’ 

To conform to this, the organic sector and the individual organic stores should deal more intensively with the effective ingredients of the products they sell, as well as with the needs of the human organism. If these services are provided, organic can – and will – make a significant contribution to consumers’ health. 

Incidentally, we eat too much every day in our Western society. When eating organic, we are satisfied faster because our desire for essential vital substances is satisfied quickly. Today, such large amounts of conventionally grown foods are only consumed because they are poor in essential vital substances and high-energy minerals!  

This lack of nutrients is a result of the exploitation of nature. 

How important is Natural Beauty & Health Show /Nordic Organic Food Fair to you/the industry?  

I see the Natural Beauty & Health Show / Nordic Organic Food Fair as extremely important for my company. Our products are already successful in Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria and France; we would like to expand to Scandinavia. 

For years I have been trying to make organic more scientific and to bring it closer to the imperative of Paracelsus and Hippocrates, which I mentioned before. I introduced the term ‘alkaline omnimolecularity’ or ‘organic alkalinity’ to the organic market in Germany, and I would be delighted for my scientific approach to be accepted in the Scandinavian countries. I would like to help take organic beyond the boundaries of marketing, to a health-related and even regenerative level.  

What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?

A late great-uncle gave me the following advice as a young boy in the second half of the 1950s: ‘My dear boy, live in peace and joy with your wife and remain faithful!’ 

His good advice has played a big part in my life, and I have now been with my wife for more than 56 years. We have five children and now six grandchildren.  I live and run my company according to the principle that once I have recognised goals as correct, I consistently pursue them until they are achieved. Because of this, our company has developed successfully, and now even delivers to China. This is also why, 12 years ago, I decided to set up up my own Jentschura NaturKunde Academy. The academy will start teaching and research in the middle of next year (2022).

The Jentschura NaturKunde Academy will provide education on the laws of nature, endeavouring to promote their observance. At the same time, I will try to contribute to raising the ethical level of our human species, raising our treatment of nature from the current contempt to a level of respect.

Who or what inspires you to be even better?

Firstly, I try every day to successfully live up to my permanent commandment: ‘I live and lead in such a way that WE are satisfied and as happy as possible. The WE is my marriage, my family, my company, my industry, my country, our continent and the nature of our planet.’ 

I try to live this way every day, while also thinking, acting and leading very consciously beyond today and into a future worth living. 

My striving for improvement comes from my natural curiosity to successfully observe and recognise more structures and processes of nature, from which to derive further laws of nature. On this basis, I have been developing helpful health products, applications and concepts for years. I would like to continue on this path for many years to come. 

I have incorporated the laws of nature that I have worked out so far into the commandments and axioms of Nature Studies, which I will be teaching in our Jentschura NaturKunde Academy starting from the middle of next year. 

See Peter speak at the show: 13:00-13:45, Wednesday 17 November, The Organic Theatre: P. Jentschura: More than organic

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